Coronavirus Augustas Risk Services ha adottato le seguenti misure di sicurezza per proteggere sia i propri dipendenti, sia i clienti che i fornitori... 25 February, 2020
Data Management Gaps That Can Derail Strategic Enterprise Objectives (part 2) In this second chapter we assess the main types of risks coming from within the company and how we can tackle these risks.... 20 February, 2020
Data Security: the threat is inside the company (part I) Companies are exposed to higher and higher levels of threats as employees and working teams access everyday the database. More defenses are strongly needed.... 13 February, 2020
I Rischi di viaggio e di Business Interruption crescono con la diffusione del Coronavirus Le aziende devono prepararsi a reagire al flusso e riflusso della malattia e agli effetti su dipendenti, fornitori e clienti.... 05 February, 2020